Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Second Graders Use Follett Shelf

Here are some of our second graders accessing Follett Shelf for the first time.  Follett Shelf is a place to store ebooks that students and teachers can read online instantly or check out for access at a later date.  They are excited to now use it in their classroom during readers workshop or when they are doing research.  Students can also access Follett Shelf at home.  They just need their user name and password.

Our second grade teachers are also excited to use Follett Shelf during their shared reading time!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Using Grid View in Google Drive

Last fall students were given Google accounts for the first time. Some teachers jumped right in and had their kids use Google for writing, they used their accounts to sign up for Khan academy, and used the calendar to share assignments and events with their students. Some teachers started more slowly, which was OK. This year it doesn't seem new anymore. More teachers have been already having their students use their Google accounts. I loved what happened a couple of weeks ago. An upper elementary teacher has been trying to do more editing of student work online. He found a way to view all of the documents his students were working on at once. After having students share their work with him, he put all of the documents into a folder. While the students are working, he opens that folder and then switches the view to "grid".
While in grid view, he can see the student work as they are typing. He then clicks on a piece, calls a student over, and they have a conference. The best part of this story is that he then shared what he was doing with a few other teachers. Those teachers are now setting up their student work the same way. We learn so much from each other when we have time to collaborate!

Monday, October 7, 2013


Welcome to the Magee Information Station Blog! I hope to share the wonderful things we are doing at Magee to help our students become life-long learners and achieve their goals.