Question One: I think everyone in the world should read…
Me: Wonder by R.J. Palacio. I can't think of another book that does such a great job of encouraging kindness. It is a beautiful story that everyone should read; especially children.
David: Charlotte's Web because it is a classic and E.B. White is a great author.

Question Two: If I could listen to anyone in the world read aloud to me it would be…
Me: Mo Willems. I would love to see Mo Willems and hear him read his books. He is my favorite author for young children. I've heard him read aloud a little bit online and I always want to her more.
David: Bob Uecker because he has a really good announcing voice and it would sound cool for him to read aloud to me.
Question Three: When I read aloud, my favorite character to impersonate is…
Me: the Pigeon from Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. The Pigeon is so fun!
David: Percy Jackson because he is brave and takes chances to save his friends.
Question Four: The genre or author that takes up the most room on my bookshelf (or e-reader) is…
Me: Adriana Trigiani. She is my favorite adult author to read. I also have a lot of children's books on my bookshelf. I love to read them and I have two kids at home that love to read them, too.
David: Rick Riordan; he has written some of my favorite books I've ever read.
Question Five: My favorite part about reading aloud or being read to is...
Me: the children's reactions to the stories they are hearing. There is nothing better than a group of children loving a story they are hearing.
David: hearing the end of the book because you've been waiting to hear how it ends.