Monday, December 2, 2013

Colonial America

5th graders are learning about the 13 Colonies in social studies. Their teacher, Mr. Suhr, wanted them to focus on one colony, learn all they could about it and then promote it to the rest of the class as the colony to move to from England.  Students used their textbooks and some online sites to research one of the colonies. Here is what they used to take notes.

Mr. Suhr wanted to expose the 5th graders to a different tool to show their learning.  We both thought that the online flyer site, Smore, would work great for this.  Mr. Suhr made an example and I showed the students the basics of how the site works.  They took off from there!
After they were finished with their flyers, I created a Google site to house them.  Students each linked their flyer to the site.

Here's an example of one of their flyers.  This flyer is making me think about moving, especially since this weekend it's going to be bitterly cold in Wisconsin!

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