JA BizTown, combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a fully interactive, simulated town. Students leave understanding the relationship between what they learn in school and their participation in a local economy.
5th grade teachers Mrs. Behnke and Mr. Suhr wanted their students to create something to share about their day. We decided to use the web 2.0 tool Narrable. Narrable allows students to use pictures and their voice to tell a story. Since the students are so busy at BizTown, Mrs. Behnke and Mr. Suhr took a ton of pictures throughout the day.
After they got back we put all of the pictures taken that day onto a drive that all students had access to. Mrs. Behnke had the students use a prompt she created to have them start thinking about how they would describe the day to other 5th graders in a newspaper article. The prompt is linked here. After that was done, students started going through the pictures and using this planning sheet, picked pictures they wanted to use to describe their day.
After their planning, students started putting their Narrable together and recordering their voice. I created a Google site as a place to display all of their Narrables. Click here to view their stories. They did a really nice job.
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