In my last post I talked about how I'd like the 4th and 5th graders I work with to try creating a stop motion video. We used the online tool, ABCYa! Animate to get used to what stop motion video is. To start our stop motion project I first showed the students a simple video I created using a toy bus, a Chromebook and the online video editor WeVideo. I then put students into groups of two or three and gave each group a story board. I told them they could use anything in the library as props or they could bring in items from home. Students got right to work talking about their ideas and sketching out a story. The following day some groups were ready to start filming. It was really interesting to see all the different ideas students had come to life. I've linked most of their videos below. Enjoy!
Ben, Olivia and Colt
Lauren, Allyson and Caleb
November, William and Dillon
Kaytlyn, Kacey and Brett
Alyssa, Lee and Taylor
David, Luke and A.J.
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