Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Google Expeditions

Google has designed a new virtual reality platform for schools called Google Expeditions.   It is currently in beta form and they are traveling around the country having schools test it out.  Last Friday it came to Wales Elementary and they invited our 4th and 5th graders to take part.  Students were able to visit the oceans of Australia, the moon, a volcano in Russia and three of our National Parks!

Cole was wishing his parents could experience this expedition.  They have been wanting to go to some National Parks.

Gavin was excited to tell his mom that he was a deep sea diver and an astronaut!

Google cardboard viewers can be purchased at Amazon.  The app that we tested on Friday is not available for purchase yet but there are other virtual reality apps out there to try, including Google Cardboard for android or iOS.  Happy traveling!
Mrs. Jones and Wales library media specialist Mrs. Wieczorek

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